Vending machine pharmacist

This is crazy…

Molina Medical Group clinics across America (around 200 of them I believe) use a damn vending machine to dispense drugs rather than have a pharmacy technician do it.  I’m not quite sure what to think of this.

On the one hand, it’s pretty cool that a machine can handle something like this and the long term costs would likely be a lot loss than the average pharmacy technician salary.  On the other, though, it’s a bit scary that machines could one day replace the human element of a pharmacy.  I still believe that people would rather get drugs from other people who can explain the side effects and how to take it, human to human.

What do you think about this?  Will futuristic robots ruin our fair pharmacy?  Will be one day be a slave to those machines?  Will waiting times and human tech’s be a thing of the past?

Or will people just want to deal with another person about the prescription rather than a nameless, faceless piece of metal?

What do you think?